About me

Hello, I'm a Mechatronics Engineer and Designer based in Italy. I enjoy turning complex problems into simple, beautiful and intuitive designs.

Specialized in the use of Xcode with the SWIFT language, and C++. Background in 3D and 2D graphic design, with a focus on the creative fusion of design and development concepts. Software I use for my projects include: Xcode, C++, LTspice, MatLab, Simulink, Blender, Figma, Miro, Keynote, Procreate, Unity.

What I'm doing

  • design icon


    I'm currently finishing my studies at Federico II University.

  • Web development icon


    Development of high-quality programs at a professional level.

  • mobile app icon

    Mobile apps

    Professional development of applications for iOS.

  • camera icon


    Work in the field of 3D and 2D digital graphics.

Last Projects

  • Slimble


    Development project of a pixel art-style platform video game, programmed using Unity. In this collaborative effort with a colleague, we set ourselves the goal of participating in the challenge promoted by the Apple Academy, with a deadline of just two weeks. This project not only represented a technical and artistic challenge but also an opportunity to test our problem-solving skills and time management abilities. I am proud of the work and the experience during this collaborative journey.

  • mirrorbane

    Mirror Bane

    Developing a turn-based fighting game on Xcode using Unity as the main framework. Using Blender I created the 3D models by hand to enrich the gaming experience. Additionally, I used Procreate for creating cartoons and drawings. This app was developed to complete a challenge promoted by the Apple Academy.

  • Emily evans

    Reverse engineering

    Reverse engineering analysis of the iPhone Notes application, followed by reimplementation of the app using Xcode and the Swift programming language. During this process, I leveraged the power of Xcode and Swift to develop a customized version of the Notes app while maintaining the original user experience. The project represented an opportunity for development and learning in the field of iOS programming

  • Henry william

    Swift Student Challenge

    Apple is proud to support and uplift the next generation of developers, creators, and entrepreneurs with the Swift Student Challenge. The Challenge has given thousands of student developers the opportunity to showcase their creativity and coding capabilities through app playgrounds, and earn real-world skills that they can take into their careers and beyond.



  1. Accenture Workshop

    March 2024 - April 2024

    Exemplary Skills in Effective Presentation and Leadership

  2. Apple Developer Academy

    September 2023 - June 2024

    Developer in IOS, main focus in: Programming, Graphic Design, Marketing

  3. University of Naples Federico II

    2021 - In Progress

    Bachelor's degree in Mechatronics, Electrical, Electronics, Communications and Automation Engineering.

  4. State Scientific High School

    2017 — 2021

    "Francesco Sbordone"


  1. Developing a Game for IOS

    Jan 2024 - Mar 2024

    · Worked with: Apple Developer Academy

    Developing a turn-based fighting game on Xcode using Unity as the main framework. Employing Blender, I created the 3D models by hand to enrich the gaming experience. Additionally, I took advantage of Procreate for creating cartoons and drawings. This app was developed to complete a challenge promoted by the Apple Academy Skills: Programming · Program Development · swift · Graphic Design · 3D Modeling · Xcode

  2. Swift Student Challenge, Promoted by Apple

    January 2024 - February 2024

    · Worked for: Apple

    · Naples, Campania, Italy, Remotely work

    I had the honor of participating in the Swift Student Challenge, promoted by Apple with the aim of supporting and enhancing the new generation of developers. This challenge provided the opportunity to showcase my own creativity and programming skills through app playgrounds, gaining real-world skills that I can take with me into my career and beyond.

  3. Developing an application on IOS:

    Oct 2023 - Nov 2023

    Develop a space exploration IOS application designed to excite and educate users about the wonders of the universe using AR. Programmed in Swift on Xcode, the application offers an immersive experience with 3D models that bring the beauty of space directly into users' hands. Main features: 3D Exploration in AR: Interactive space models that allow users to travel through planets, stars and galaxies. Educational Information: Educational content curated to provide accurate and inspiring data about the universe. Intuitive Interface: Smooth and engaging navigation to ensure a unique user experience. Our goal is to inspire scientific curiosity and provide an interactive approach to learning about the wonders of space.

  4. NFT collection in Bitcoin blockchain

    Jun 2023 - Dec 2023

    Founder of the OrdiTroops project, a collection of NFTs on the Bitcoin blockchain. As a member of a highly competent team of 4, I played a multifaceted role, being both the founder and lead artist of the collection. Through thorough planning and fervent dedication, we managed to upload the collection to the renowned marketplace site Magic Eden. Incredibly, in less than a week, OrdiTroops has become one of the best-selling collections on the site, continuing to maintain an exceptional sales rate over time.

  5. 3D Modeling and Rendering project of a Restaurant

    Nov 2022 - Dec 2022

    The 3D Modeling and Rendering project took place in the heart of Vomero, in close collaboration with a private client. I expressed his vision for a unique restaurant, where the atmosphere of the place combines with modern and green design elements .

  6. Development of a website for Clothing E-Commerce

    Jun 2021 - Aug 2021

    Experience focused on programming a website for a clothing store, building significantly on creating an online platform that reflects the brand's aesthetic and offers an intuitive shopping experience.

My skills

  • Communication
  • Productivity
  • Analyses
  • Creativity
  • Autonomy
  • keynote speaker


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